
1166 Wyandotte Road
Columbus 12, Ohio
April 16, 1962

Honorable Dean Rusk
Secretary of State
Washington, D. Ce



$39 10

Deer Mr. Rusks ¥

a Sit ready bekieve-the State Depertifent. is

doing a great job against tremenduous odds. Although I
have no illusions about either the success of my request
or of the slow process of dealing with foreign countries,

I am convinced that everything possible should be done for
the prisoners of war and the refugees.

In the case in which I am especially interested, a South
Korean is believed to have been kidnapped while his

mother was gone. She returned home to find the house
burned and no trece of him has ever been found. His mother
is Mrs. 0. S. Whang, Directress of the Home of Korea, an
orphanage made famous by Colonel Dean Hess in the book and
movie Battle wor The son's name if, Pil Kook Kang. He
was born on the 17th of July, 1951. He greduated from
Kyunggi High School in Seoul in April, 1950. In the same

month of the same year, he entered Seoul National University.
The date he wes kidnapped is Se

September 27,1950... He was
very much interested in horsebeok riding and swimming, and
was good at English.

Do you have any informetion or & file on him? I sincerely
hope another search can be made if it has been done before

and a file kept, with a request made for his release when-
ever discussions are held with Red China.

Most sincerely,

[Us a Ka E

Mrs. Re E. Hay

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