- 3

niss3 and ott. Ass, an Cemauni.sts regard war-

*g \ cali tl: “7 GD ration, .. ds ’all the more important
that we in ovr planvine f da rt tac. wate Ce: mean ly for limited ambiguous
probee) enyre this 7.4 pe a eolenllitery oreblem, not jast as a

wi liters that nore gan “x: usefully done in plaming


w te

for meccing ina kinds cf iatbawy sicuat.ors witch I have bean discussing.

of seagondary effects in limites

mo” the iron curtay n runs down
te, Cold var iines are now
} ¥ It 4s trus that. the lines
i-y, dast Asse. as in Eurepe, which
. 43 apt to be the seene of nore
boat even in Asia the lines ere
‘ther side seems to feel that
reasons, to retreat in ths



> 32 is raya’ meeciva the cost of defending any one
sition An Gon “tha tatae ef tist fp. <€4456e pesd USOT out reother in

ems of bay idanrenging politasal, peycrolegieal and military consequence
immanaiing ?eom th: t nos tion Tyas, tc mast bear in otine that if the
‘42.1982 Ge PAVULGSES C2 Aowith saca.d etiedc, let us sd¥,-a remete spot

in the bin z..a ’ LE OS “o:ejis for 1 tiving Laos to sesist that agercs~

Sion ave 0 anes te seve laze cat in ters of preserving the security o.°

Southeast isi: end probed . crant Geri aove. A distinguished friend o::

vine, who see rb simu. fpzn a world tel.p, gave as one of his cominait

conelusions tec fact tha wis standing fre over Qusmeay when it was a! biaalke:.

in 1953 pemi:. ed many Asim to 12d 330uTe iz the knowledge of United States

cate! rminat Lon weotect j Ccimas, >-3ver, remote. It was the very
amoteness rik. we svLlessne ic ©: im moy t7ab impressed cus friends abroad.

Had that isha. bean Largs further fon Rec China, the object lesson

yould have teem less inpre ic°.we,

‘le hava recched a stig. in the cevaie sent of this world where no
ageression cer be igaerec wesy aggrasctlon, however, small, must be
counters vac We do nit cnere the argvaant taat the Chinese Commins
attack cu the offshore el unds is @ "ouse Wr Ett wer operation’. ifr.
Vishinsky iede the same sr ument dn 1950 on he told us that ths war in
forea was a purely “i ad rar" aral that, ca aabablaa vhe intervened vers
azezressors. rs Cacions overvhelum.ngly “ejected that contention.

The Zact if thet whon one regime atsenpts by force tc take territory
which is unger the authorisy of another gov eynmont, which is recognized «s
sueh by the world eomunit; at lerge, end which territory is the sudje ct.

of treaty and cther “.nterna» — — indinca, that attempt involves
= of force * sich endengai’s world pe: ‘Indeed, we believe that any
nae of force today confrons of us ee hoa prospective catastrophe
waiel it mist 23 our GoLED! Soncern Lo ararts.