On the whole, the primary weakness in the current Constitution is the

ease with which it may be amended, while the obvious, overriding flaw in the

if between law on.the books and law in action.

Korean legal system is the gu

Many substantive and procedural safeguards are ignored, while others receive

no more than lip service. The re-writing of the law is the least pressing of

Korea's legal problems, while the need for bringing the written law to life

is imperative.
>, Constitutional and Legislative Considerations.
a. Ease of Amendment of Constitution
The Korean Constitution is too easily amended. At the pre-
sent time, except for proposals which might diminish the sovereignty of the

Republic, or alter her territory,” an amendment need only proceed through

these steps to pass into law:

(1) Introduction by either:
(a) The President, or

(bo) One-third of the membership of either House of

the Assembly, or
(c) Petition of 500,000 persons eligible to vote for

members of the House of Representatives;

(2) Public announcement by the President;

(3) Thirty days' delay; and

(4) Approval by two-thirds of the membership of each House

of the Assembly.”

which must be submitted to a national referendum. (Const, Art Fall)

Aoonst, Art 98.