IV. Criminal Code of the Republic of Korea

As : Scope


The bulk of the substantive criminal law of the Republic of Korea

is contained in the ROK Criminal Code, dated 3 October 1953. Chapter I of
the Code makes the provisions of the Code applicable to the conduct of both
Korean naticnals and aliens within the territory of the Republic of Korea;
the conduct of all Korean nationals outside the geographical limits of Korea;
the conduct. of aliens on board Korean vessels and aircraft, wherever located ;
acts committed by aliens against the Republic of Korea or the nationals there~
of outside of the geographical limits of Korea, unless such acts are not made
criminal by the law governing the place where the acts were scaindtted, or the
rovernment exercising criminal jurisdiction over the situs of such acts with-
draws prosecution therefor or remits any punishment adjudged therefor; and
aliens who commit crimes outside of the Republic of Korea relating to the

Insurrection against Korea;

Foreign aggression against Korea;

National flag of Korea;

Korean currency;

Valuable Korean securities, postage and revenue stamps};

Uttering of false official documents, or the fraudulent

inducement to a public official to issue an official document; and


lcitations in this chapter, unless specifically desirnated otherwise,
are to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Korea and are therefore cited
only by number. Citations in Chapter V are to the Code of Criminal Procedure,
unless otherwise specified.