determine the admission of documentary evidence, and to decide which
of the witnesses requested by each side will in fact be summoned to
appear. The other three judges are all qualified attorneys and include
one Judge Advocate officer, one civilian attorney; and one civilian
judge. The role of these three judges is purely one of fact finging
and sentencing. Voting on findings and sentence, including the death
sentence, is by simple majority.

The law provides for one president who acts as the overall admin-
istrative supervisor of the five trial and two appellate rit Be

The Revolutionary Courts have the power to transfer to the District
Courts any cases improperly indicted by the prosecutor or any cases
which it considers to be minor violations of those laws over which it
has jurisdiction. The District Courts must accept this transfer of
venue, and the defendant has no right to appeal such 4 a By
22 September 1961, less than one month after this power to transfer
venue was given to the Revolutionary Courts, twenty-three "minor" cases,
involving forty-nine defendants, had been transferred to the District
Courts. The decision to transfer these "minor" cases to the District
Courts appears to have been made by the President of the Revolutionary
Courts (Major General Choi Yong Kyu).

The right to 4 single appeal to 4 seven-man court is granted to
each accused who receives 4 death sentence or life jmorisonment ,


Law 630, Art. 3; ~The President of the Revolutionary Court is
Major General Choi Yong Kyu.

Ptaw 690, Art. 7; paragraphs > and 3 (24 August 1961).

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