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bad oo Page ___1.__-of
1 corm Fs-438 CONFIDENTIAL Encl. No :

j ; ce or! No___447


From. Seoul
4 ’
os Special Prosecution; 4 Special Law on the Punishment of Specified Crimes 2
vastly expanded the type of cases to be dealt with. An Tllicit Fortune Dispos
Law 3/ replaced the previous legislation concerning jllegal profiteers, (although
the Revolutionary Court's function in this regard was largely superseded by the
Tllicit Fortune Disposal Committee established by the same law) Later, in March
1962, a "Political Purification Law" was passed }/ which was to serve a function

related to, if much broader than, the former Civil Rights Restriction Law.

8. Despite these similarities of form, the new legislation was markedly
broader in its applicability, much more open-ended, and generally showed far less
attention to safeguards or questions of civil rights. These differences are easily
accounted for by the contrasts between the manner in which the two sets Oo j
* lation came into being. The laws passed under the parliamentary government were
° “s tempered and tested for several months by pub : sritici and by Na-
= tional Assembly committee work. More drastic these had

Seka .  2,