holding high positions in the military government regardless of whether
they are called as witnesses for the government, defense or the court.
Col. Pak also accepted the offer to exclude the accused, from the court
room while he was testifying. The accused were then handcuffed and

roped together and marched out of the court room. This witness, perhaps
because of his position on the SCNR, was the first witness to take 4
belligerent attitude toward the court, answering questions posed by court
members in a very hostile manner.

3, (U) Before the-last-witness- was called, the prosecutor offered
into evidence a document purporting to be the Plans~and Orders.ofathe
Army Chief of Staff pertaining to control of demonstrations and riots.
While the prosecutor was describing the contents of this document, Brig.
Gen. Lee interrupted, stating that there was an SOP in this document
dealing with command channels through which riot control orders were to
come. Brig. Gen. Lee stated that such orders were supposed to come from
the Chief of the Revolution, through the Chief of Staff, through the 6th
Area MDC Commander, to the Division Commanders. Brig. Gen. Lee then
requested the document in order that he could find the SOP. While he
was looking for the SOP, one of the judges stated that since there was
no martial law on 15 May, the orders could not have been issued from the
Chief of the Revolution. Brig. Gen. Lee insisted upon finding the SOP
anyhow, but was told by the chief judge that that wasn't necessary and
instructed him to return the document to the court clerk. These documents
were offered by the prosecutor to show that Brig. Gen. Lee should have
obeyed only the orders of the Commander of the 6th Area MDC and not the
Army Chief of Staff in the case of a riot or 4 demonstration. This was
intended to rebut the contention of Brig. Gen. Lee that he was required
to obey the orders of the Amy Chief of Staff on the 15th and 16th of
May, and not those of the Commander of the 6th Area MDC.

i. -(U). : The: law officer announced that three more witnesses would
be called for the court. These witnesses had been requested by the
defense counsel for Brig. Gen. Lee. However, as witnesses for the court,
the defense counsel lost control over the scope of their examination.

5, (U) After this session, counsel conferred with the accused in
the counsel room in the presence of guards. We were present at this
conference. Brig. Gen. Lee informed us that each accused had a private
room in Seoul City Prison, and that if they did not like what was being
served, they could buy their meals for anywhere from 200 hwan to 700 hwan
per meal.

Procedural Highlights - 28 August 1961 (U)

1. (U) Much commotion was caused by the appearance of former Lt.
Gen. Chang Do Young, who was followed by an entourage of news cameramen
and other civilians, including the Chief Prosecutor. Activity of
photographers was unchecked although there was 4 witness testifying.
Despite the noise caused by Chang Do Young's appearance, the court
continued questioning Col. Lee Hae Young although it must have been
difficult to hear the witness's responses.

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