b. Korea

Under the current status of Korear military law, there is no

possibility that persons other than those actually serving. with ,.or, acccompalny'

ing, the Korean Armed Forces could be subjected to trial by a Kerean military
tribunal. The Korean military code is called the "Articles for the Governm:).
of the Korean Constabulary >" promulgated on 5 July 1948 (with an effective dale
of 4 August 1948) by Major General William F. Dean, U. 5. Army, Military Govern-
or of varek.” Article 1 defines the categories of persons who are "subject to
these articles and shall be understood as included in the term ‘any person sub
ject. to military law', or ‘persons subject to military law' whenever used in
these articles'. - > " There are five categories of persons subject to the
aforementioned Articles:
(1) Officers and soldiers belonging to the Regular Korean

Constabulary, plus all persons "lawfully called, drafted,

or ordered into, or to duty for training in the said ser-



"Officers and enlisted men of the Korean Coast Guard

when detached for service or training with the Korean

Constabulary by order of the Director of Department of

Internal Security - - 03"

"All persons accompanying or serving with the Korean

Constabulary who are [made subject to/. - - these arti-

cles by law of Korea;" and

3 These Articles generally comprise the United States Articles of Var of