As is the case with all members of the judiciary, members of the Supreme

Court are elected for renewable ten-year terms (Const, Art 79), and are re-

movable during their terms only for cause. (Const, Art 80).

b. The Constitutional Court
The Supreme Court of Korea, unlike that of the United States,

does not review acts of the legislature. Such matters, as well as "final
authoritative interpretation of the Constitution, disputes arising between
the State organs or agencieS, «+ « » trials on impeachment [ana/ litigation
related to the election of the President, Chief Justices, and Justices," are
referred to 4 "Constitutional Court" (Const, Art 83-III), to be composed of
nine members elected for six years, three each being appointed by the Presi-
dent, the Supreme Court, and the House of Councillors, with three persons be-
‘ne selected every two years. (Const, Art 83-IV). Members are to be apoli-
tical in office, and a decision of unconstitutionality ©r imrcachment requires
"not less than six votes." (Const, Art 83-IV). As of March 1961, this Court
hid not been activated; a bill to accomplish this passed the House of Repre-
entatives but was revised extensively by the House of a aincaeeees

The Court replaces the "Constitutional Committee" (Const 1948, Art 81;
1.100), which was composed of the Vice President, three Justices, five epre-

centatives, and two Councillors.


sion would require a unanimous vote to change a4 constitutional interpretaticn;
standing would be limited to "those legally concerned with the case, with re-
commendations from not less than 30 members of the Assembly or those eligible
to be appointed as judges."