The revivale of the Royale Beefeaters' Banquette found
all the knights and ladies of the Directorate in the quainte
dresse of Auld Englande and a hoste of committee beef-
eaters fortifying themselves with wassail, flamying puddinge,
and goodlie Roaste of Beefe. All foode was eaten with ye
auld fingers, and a Commande Performance by ye Royal
Tudor Singers added to the merrie festivities.
At the right Black Knight Dick Lewis addressing court ladie
Janice Wegner and Ruth Hadley.
Sampling their product were B. \
kowitz, C. Rogahn, A. Smith,
Henry, N. Biller, chm., R. Griesmer,
F. Reiffel, D. Osterheld, adviser, H.
Bailiu, and D. Newcomb, members o
the Commons committee.
At Beefeaters' banquet and two
concert suppers, Commons spon-
sored entertainment by the Tudor
Singers, a group of vocalists who
specialize in songs from the Tu-
dor era.
The committee also had charge
of Latin America Week dinner,
and Smorgasbord, the annual
committee dinner honoring new
Union chairmen.

Although the Games committee
remained in the background, its
members supervised facilities which
were in use constantly whenever the
Union doors were open. The com-
mittee offered instructions for bowl-
ing, bridge, and skat enthusiasts, and
arranged tournaments in billiards,
bowling, table tennis, chess, and a
host of card games.
The committee brought Andy
Varipapa to the Union to demon-
strate his phenomenal bowling abili-
ty, and Charlie Peterson played a
return billiards engagement at the
Union Theater in the spring.

An unused ping pong table was a ranty, and J. Heller, R. Suhm, chin., J. Quackenbush, S. Budzien,
J. Thomas, F. Anderson, D. Suhm, and J. Pollack of the Games Committee had to halt a game momen-
tarily so that this picture could be taken.