SIot ro\, 1. to, r.)  . W   th    I I. r A. KaneII,\r LII, i. Angle, C. Lngel, LD. Oig, 1. 6 1ann, N.  rickson, J. etrsoiin.
Second row: F. Brcwster, 1. Jagker, E. Horn, A. Linde, R. Berrend, R. Lamont, D. Brasure, J. Wendt, R. Brewster, R. Rowley, J. Kaumheimer.
Third row: C. Henney, R. Angle, A. Grube, E. Beck, D. McKaig, D. Green, G. Bergmeister, A. Lutze, W. Schmitz, E. Przyczyna.
Fourth row: G. Miller, E. Arnold, J. Wallschlaeger, F. Pqrach, G. Schumann, A. Porath, J. Henney, J. Franklin, W. Priestley, L. Reiser, P. Chappel.


Bashford House welcomed 14 newcomers last fall, to replace the 18
men lost through graduation. Foremost among this latter group was
Earl S. Horn, Jr., who has been house fellow for the past year and a half.
Although the house began a rather slow social season, by mid-term
parties were held that kept the men busy recuperating and finding new
type of activities. A barn dance which set the art of dancing back at
least 50 years developed into the best social event of the year.
Many Bashford residents were instrumental in the success of "A
Christmas Wish," the Dorm Christmas dance. Jack Wendt served as
chairman of this successful event while Robert Berrend was in charge
of decorations.
The Bashford basketball team, Tripp hall champions for two con-
secutive years, dropped two games early in the season to ruin its chances
for a third title in as many years. However, the team still had hopes of
gaining a spot in the Dorm playoffs.
Officers were: Jack Wendt, President; Dallas Erickson, Vice President;
John Brown, Secretary; Richard Lamont, Treasurer.