Front row (1. to r.): W. Roth, R. Sternlicb ). Wolff, F. Mahan, P. Bloland, P. L tits, R. Vanden Hcvel, HI. Gros, J. Kochn.
Second row: M. Altman, D. Zahalka, R. Rehrauer, R. Bochat, P. Jones, J. Norris, W. Catlin, K. Bier, R. Paterson.
Third row: J. Finley, T. Jamieson, K. Merner, T. Bidwell, J. Kaiser, R. Girolami, M. Ten Haken, J. Kaufman, W. Rasmussen.
Fourth row: A. Stortz, J. Wieczorek, T. Ebenreiter, P. Campbell, G. Helton, R. Kressin, R. Brown, H. King, D. Schulze.

O.K., girls, check this lineup for your blind dates next year. "Men
of Distinction" who represented High on various MHA committees
were Tom Ebenreiter, Red King, Jack Finley, and John Wieczorek.
Lorry Berson had a part in "Girl Crazy." Artists-in-residence at High,
John Norris and Bob Paterson, combined their talents to win a third
place trophy for Homecoming decorations.
High's den menagerie included Lloyd Calvy, disguised as a cigar..
"Blind Bob" Kressin and his favorite poodle. . . . the cream of the frosh
crop, "Moonbeam" Kaiser, John Kloehn, and Bill Catlin. . . . Tom
Jamieson and his chow hall pantomimes . . . the beer boys of the
Wednesday Nite Club, Bob Rehrauer, Dick Vanden Heuvel, Rel
Bochat, etc.
Sparked by Del Schulze, High "bowled" over most of its opponents
in the pins and beer league. High produced a candidate, George Helton
of Cardinal fame, for the Hard Luck honors in football and basketball.
Pat Campbell, Rollie Girolami, and Ted Bidwell were stalwarts on the
football team, while Dons Zahalka and Wolf led the Hurricanes on
the basketball court.
Officers were: Frank Mahan, President; Harold King, Vice President;
Alvin Stortz, Secretary; Don Ladrow, Treasurer.
