Mr. LeRoy E. Lubcrg was this
year appointed assistant vice presi-
dent of academic affairs. He works
with Vice President Baldwin in
executing the duties of academic


Mr. Scott M. Cutlip is assistant
to the President and, also an asso-
ciate professor of journalism.



Ray Hilsenhoff, the man who
takes nothing for headaches-just
has them, should really be called
a professional treasurer as well as
a student financial advisor. Be-
sides the million dollar volume
of husiness of the 203 campus
student organizations being his
responsibility, Ray's office is a
"store house of information" for
tudcnts, alumni, faculty, and the
administrative officials. He is a
graduate of the class of 1924.
Director ol the Student Em-
ployment Bureau is Miss Marian
E. Tormey. Her job consists of
helping the students find jobs
connected with the University
and also outside work.

~-      kv


Miss Helen Kayser, who is
sophomore advisor and Panhel-
lenic advisor, is pictured with
Miss Emily Chervenik, occupa-
tional guidance and placement
advisor, and Miss Barbara Col-
bron, freshman advisor.