Front row (1. to r.): J. Saltzberg, P. Hochstafl, H. Pease, J. Moat, L. Meyer.
Second row: C. Panetti, B. Bigelow, J. Goelz, Mrs. A. Jordan, A. Toporski, J. Feldman.
Third row: M. Fierick, J. Wexler, D. Kinball, J. Janes, L. Graebner, D. Klein, H. Close, J. Wolf.
Jordan House

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The numerous activities of its residents more than made up for the
small size of Jordan House at 240 Lake Lawn Place. The house has
been active in Community Chest drives, Red Cross and Careers Con-
ferences and has taken on the responsibility of donating a monthly
CARE package to a needy European family.
Hoofers was again the favorite organization of Jordan House girls
with Dorothy Klein, Pat Hochstafl, Jan Jones, Judith Saltzberg, and
Joyce Wexler numbered among the outdoor group. NSA is the pet
project of Doris Kimball, while Lila Gracbner is an earnest member
of the International Club.
Extra-curricular activities do not interfere with the achievements of
these girls. Jan Jones and Carol Panetti are members of the freshman
honorary sorority, Sigma Epsilon Sigma, and the house president, Joyce
Goelz, is a member of the home economics professional sorority, Phi
Upsilon Omicron.
The traditional Open House, which this year was held, after the Yale
game, was a success, as were the Christmas party, the house picnic
and dinner.
Officer: Joyce Goelz, President.