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Front row (1. to r.): I. Reynolds, J. Leonard, E. Kuzuhara, A. Ergang, L. Niemer, A. Silverman.
Second row: B. Woodworth, C. Bakke, I. Rits, J. Goelz, M. Thines, R. Sell, J. Goldsmith, J. Hammes, G. Cohen, S. Pollack.
Third row: C. Sturm, M. Siggelkoe, B. Baerwald, M. L. Stevenson, P. Nover, A. G. Stewart, S. Glowacki, M. E. Stant, B. Long, L. Jens, E. Van Stelle.
House President's
For the first time this year, the Independent Women's House Presidents' Council,
under WSGA, is functioning as an organization with the primary purpose of acting as a
clearing house for women's independent houses. Once a month the independent house
presidents convene to discuss their common problems. Ruthe Sell, Independent coordinator,
maintains close contact with each house president, and through these monthly discussions,
the presidents themselves are joined together in the spirit of amiability and cooperation.
Administrative and judicial rather than social affairs are considered by the Council.
The Independent Women's Association has now assumed the responsibility of organizing
social events for independents. But the Council has cooperated with sorority and dormitory
presidents, and a "get acquainted" dinner was held for all of these presidents, with repre-
sentatives of each group helping in the preparation and arrangements.
The Independent House Presidents' Council has only begun to realize the oppor-
tunities which exist in their sphere. With continued interest and cooperation among the
independent houses and their presidents, this organization can do much in furthering the
developing independent movement at the University.
Officers were: Ruthe Sell, Independent Coordinator; Beata Baerwald, Secretary.


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