shipped two particular divinities; the one they consid-
ered to be a benevolent spirit, and the other malevolent.
They had also a great many inferior deities, whom they
reverenced as tutelary gods, or guardians.
  In these, and in several other national p)ecularities the
Mexicans and the Coreans coincide so striking y, that the
antiquary will, at ace, be satisfied with the identity of
people; besides the traditions of the Mexicans, or rather
their records in painting confirmthe Chinese manuscripts
which Santini has translated into the Italian language.
According to him, the Kitans, in the second year of the
dynasty of Tsin, emperor of China, declared war against
the Coreans. The Kitans were a powerful nation, who
inhabited eastern Tartary and dwelt to the north and
uort h-east of the province of Pecheli, in China.  \Vith-
out detailing the particularities of this campaign, so vli-
nutely related by the Italian antiquary, we shall merely
say, that the Coreans were subdued by the Kitans, who

afterwards exercised such t
that the Coreans undertook
tablisli a colony in some disti
they pursued was towards tL
age of nine weeks they pA
arrived in a country, whos,
cover. The land Santini,
be America. This inforam
given the substance, is cc
tends to prove beyond the p
Coreans were the first that
Asia. It was communicab
couli, on his return to Core
mitted to China, where the

yranny over the vanquished,
a sea voyage in order to es-
ant land. The course which
ie north-east. During a voy-
assed by several islands, and
e bounds they could not dis-
very reasonably, supposes to
Ltion, of which we have only
irtainly very interesting, and
Possibility of a doubt, that the
visited the new world from
Ad in Corea by prince Ala-
ia; and thence it was trans"
manuscript is still preserved.
