progress in civilization, and acquire an immense popu-
lation. In course of time, discord and war would rage
among them, and compel the establishment of places of
security.  At last, they became alarmed by the irruption
of a horde of barbarians, who rushed like an overwhelm-
injg flood from the north of Asia.

       A multitude, like which the populous North
       Pouered from her frozen loins, to pass
       Rhene or the Danaw, when her barbarous sons
       Came like a deluce Æn the South, and spread
       Beneath Gibraltar to the Lybian Sands.*

aw of

to stand on their 4
ders, and to conlst]
protection. And
victory was suspe
stood the torreat;
their empire, they
ed, by successive
the fortifications c
remaininrg mOnUn
nations.  This is,

self-preservation compelled them

defence, to

resist these ruth

:uct nunierous atnd exten
for a long series of time

nded in e
but like
were fin

&f W
, pe

tion, and may be rec
visionary mind; but
derful events of the;
scru table dispensation
we not look forxvard
ing from the rioid la)
rence of similar scene
And perhaps in the
transcendent aenius,
be bounded by that i]
the limits of human r
tions of Asia, under

t l

doubt, and they
the Romans in 1
ally worn down

'onds, and renewed at
rhich we have treated,
ts of these ancient and e
rhaps, the airy nothing
koned the extravaganI

IS of
Nvs o
eS1 at



ve works for
the scale of
firmly with-
ie decline of
and destroy-
tacks. And
are the only
of irnagina-
t dream of a

r we not, considering the won.
arnd present times, and the in-
an overru I ing Providence, may
o ftuturity, and without depart-
f probability, predict the occur-
: some remote period of time.

decrepitude of our empire, some
whose powers of mind shall only
mpenetrable circle which prescribes
iature,* may rally the barbarous na-
the standard of a mighty empire.

* Milton's Paradise Lost, book 1, p. 62.


"t The great


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