tribe- as their distinguishing marks. In the summer
season, they wear a kind of petticoat round the waist
which comes down to the knees; it is made of coarse
linen or cotton, which they manufacture themselves. At
this time they paint their bodies with a variety of col-
ours. The process of th-ts adorning themselves, con-
sists of pricking those parts of the body which are not
covered, and rubbing them over with different colours.
  "The warriors paint their faces that they may ap-
pear more warlike. Others who are not engaged in hos-
titities do the same, because, I suppose, they imagine
they look more handsome.

  " They take great pains to dress
generally lon g and oily, by reason
grease. The pendants in their 4
usually shells which are painted o
and on the other with a blue colc
consider themselves in their full uni
made of the piumaae of a bird cal]
women may be said to follow th
though they pay very little attentih
  "T The inhabitants of Karnschalt]
continues, " have preserved their
than any of their neighbouring trib
they are tributary to the Ruhssian i
ther removed from civilized sociel
particularly to their dress, I have (

were ancient]
and Tongusi
been effected

their hair, which is
)f being smeared with
ears and nostrils are
n one side with a red

ur ; but they never
form without a crown
led the rotoo. Their
le same practices, al-
on to the hair."
Ka," the same author
ancient dress better
)es, because, although
Empire, they are far.
ty: without alluding
)fly to say, that they

ly clad in the same manner, as the Coriaks
notwithstanding the difference which has
by the novelty of the fashions of modern

  Santini says alnost the same: "Quanto all' abit3 dei
Tongusi, eglino e tutte le altre nazioni barbare hanno
quasi ii medesimo vestito, che consiste delle pelle di bes-
tie fiere. Quest' abito e semplicemente accomodato al
corpo, o adornato con ornamenti secondo il grado di ci-
vilizazione fra quella gente. I Toncusi andavano, una
volta, vestiti in pelli; depincrevano il corpo e la faccia