belt of wampum. After our just reproof, and absolute
order to depart from the land, you are now to take notice
of wh at we have fu rther to say to you.
  r.    &..   C -a-L      -._ -- -_-     1 '  1

  - I 1ItiS SMt
children, an(
ever, rneddlin
shall descend
sell any land
string, in in
given you in
transact with

ng rit wampum serves to iorrnct you, your
df grandchildren to the latest posteiity, for
ig in land affairs; neither you, nor any who
I from you, are ever hereafter to presume to
; for which purpose you are to preserve th1is
emory of what your uncles have this day
charge.  We have some other business to
our brothers; and therefore depart the coun-

cii, and consider what has been said to you."
  Ctanassatiego then spoke to the Council:

  Brethren, -We called at our old friend James Logan,
in our way to the city, and to our arief we found him
hid in the bushes, and retired throuLrh infirmities from
public business; we pressed him to leave his retirement
and prevailed with him to assist once more on our ac-
count at your councils. We hope, notwithstanding his
age and the effects of a fit of sickness, which we under-
stand has hurt his constitution, that he may yet continue
a long time to assist the provinces with his counsels.
He is a wise man and a fast friend to the Indians and

we desire when hi,
his room just such
and ability in coui
sition and affection
gratitude for all hi,
as to leave his cou

s soul goes to God,
another person, of
iselling, and of the
i for the Indizins.
s services, and beer
ntry house, and fol

be at the trouble in this his advance
council, we present him with this bu
  Bretl-ren,-It is always our way
a treaty to desire you will use your e
traders, that they may sell their good
us better price for our deer skins.
ticular sort of Indian goods is scar
make us pay the dearer on that accou
use the same argument with them.

Vou may choose in
the same prudence
same tender dispn-
In testimony of our
tuse he was so good
loW us to town, and
I age to attend the
ndle of skins.
At the conclusion of
ndeavours with the
s cheaper, and give
vNhenever any par-
ce, they constantly
nt. We must now
Our deer are killed