therefore, quote the following article from the Western
  "It is a fact not generally known, that there do exist
in the far west at least two small tribes or bands of white
people. One of these bands is called Mawkeys. They
reside in Mexico on the south west side of the rocky
mountains, and between 300 and 500 miles from Santa
Fe, towards California, and in a valley which makes a
deep notch into the mountain, surrounded by high and
impassible ridges, and which can only be entered by a
narrow pass fromn the south wvest. They are represent-
ed by trappers and hunters of the west, known to the
writer of this, to be men of veracity, as an innocent
and inoffensive people, who live by agriculture, while
they also aaise a great number of horses and mules, both
of which are used by them for food. They cultivate
maize, pumpkins and beans in large quantities. These
people are frequently depredated upon by their more
warlike red neiahbours, to whom they submit without

resorting to deadly weapons in order to repel th
far distant fromn the Mawkeys, and in the same

country, is another band of th
Nabbehoes, a description of c
answer for both. They hay
writer by two men in whose -
dence may be placed; they sal
mon stature, with light flaxen
that their skin is of the most d4
my informants, who saw sevei
Fe in 1830, in describing the N
much whiter than I am whiter
the Creek nation,' and my in

complexion as
one occasion in

white men gen4
1 a wandering e

em. Not
range of

e same description, called
zither of these tribes wvii
-e been described to the
veracity the fullest confi-
y the men are of the com-
hair, light blue eyes, and
-&.     a

el icate whiteness. One of
1 of these people at Santa
lawkeys says, ' they are as
than the darkest Indian in
formant was of as good a
erally are. A trapper on
xcursion, arrived at a vii-.

lage of the Mawkeys. He was armed with a rifle, a pair
of belt pistols, knife and tomahawk; all of which were
new to them, and appeared to excite their wonder and
surprise. After conversing some time by signs, he fired