AMERICA.                    57

man of some credit with Isabella) prevailed on him to
defer his journey for a short time. This learned monk,
being a considerable proficient in mathematical knowi}
edge, soon became acquainted with the abilities and in-
tegnty of Columbus, to whom he was so warmly attach-
ed, that he ventured to write to Queen Isabella, conju-
ring her to consider the matter anew with the attention
which it merited.
  As there was now a certain prospect that the war with
the Moors might be brought to a happy issue by the re-
duction of Granada, which would leave the nation at
liberty to engage in new undertakings, the queen,
moved by the representation of Juan Perez, a person
whom she respected as a competent judge to decide in
matters of this description, countenanced, for the second
time, the grand schemes of Columbus. Accordingly,
she desired Perez to repair to the village of Santa Fe, in
which, on account of the siege of Granada, the court ree
sided at that time, that she might confer with him on
this impowtant subject.' This interview proved so favor-w
able; that Columbus received a warm invitation to re-
turn to court. His former friends, therefore, Alonzo de
Quintanilla, comptroller of the finances in Castile, and
Louis de Santangel, receiver of the ecclesiastical reves
nues in Arragon, seeing this happy change in favor of
Columbus, appeared with greater confidence than ever
to support his scheme. Althoucrh Isabella expressed her
approbation, still Ferdinand pronounced the scheme to
be impracticable. Columbus, however, as if determined
to surmount every obstacle that could be thrown in his
way, appeared before them with the same confident
hopes of success as formerly, and insisted upon the same
high recompense. Columbus proposed that a small fleet
should be fitted out under his command, to attempt the
discovery; that he should be appointed hereditary admi-
ral and viceroy of all the seas and lands which he
should discover; and that he should have the tenth part
of the profits arising from them settled irrevocably upon