her of fifteen or upwards. But
                 -. .-.   ~-



upon you, to sell land at all'  We co
made women of you; you know you
can no more sell land than women;
should have the power of selling land,

abuse it.
your guts.
and drink,
again like i
sell land in
sold them J
the value c
told us a b

.ome you to take
nquered you, we
are women, and
nor is it fit you
since you would

This land that you claim has gone through
You have been furnished with clothes, meat,
, by the goods paid for it, and now you want it
children asyou are. But what matters? You
[ the dark. Did you ever tell us that you had
land? Did we ever receive any part, even
of a pipe shank from you for it? You have
lind storv, that vou sent a messenger to us, to

inform us of the sale ; but he, nei
nor we never heard any thing abo

in the dark, and
Nations observe
they give public
united nations, a
they receive for
the wise nations.

very difiebent
in the sale of
notice, and in
nd give them
their lands.

fro r
all a
ret 4

        ,       I
Ter came among us,
ut it : this is acting
i the conduct our Six
s; on sulch occasions
all the Indians of the
share of the presents
    ft. ,.   a     J

'I 'his is the

But we find you are noue

behaviour ot
ofour blood;

you act a distinct part, not only in this but in other mat-
ters; your ears are ever open to slanderous reports about
our brethren; you receive them with as much greedi-
ness as lewd women receive the embraces of bad men;
and for all these reasons we charge you to remove in-
stantly. We don't give you the liberty to think about


the Il

u are wo


know w
er you hW
as well I
you two
you may
have yo


3s. you
wve not
is the I
go to e
a more

behave; don't d

men, take the advice of a wise man, and
,tely. You may remove to the other side
where you came from; but we do not
considering hoxv you have demeaned
will be permitted to Jive there, or wheth-
swallowed that land down your throats,
and on this side. We therefore assign
to go either to Uzoman or Sharmokin;
ither of these places, and then we shall
under our eye, and shall see how you
eliberate, but remove away and take the