' Your father

chair,' and answered as he ce
the ground: 'My father?
the earth is my mother. I wu
  " As they excelled in the b
sessed a nice sense of the ridi
strain of irony, united with
speech of Garangula to De I;
Canada, when that crafty FP
council, for the purpose of ob


requests yo
cly disposed
he sun is my
repose upon
Utifill, so .-11Ss
Ious. There
e sharpest tE
Barre, the C

ining PE

tion for past injuries. The European, a
in the maxim that En guerre ou lapea-
suffire ii y faut coudre tan lopin de cello

tempted to over-awe the savaae
well knew he had no power to
who also was well aware of h

' Yonondia, you mlust I
Quebec, that the sun had I
render our country inac
the lakes had so overflow'
surrounded our calstles, 4
us to get out of them.
dreamed so, and curiosit
has brought you so far.
had taken their clubs, o
carried their bows aand
camnp, if our warriors hac

wave bel.
)urned u
ed their


by thi
is we
p all t
to the
ttit wce


Yes, surely
y of seeing E
Hear, Yono
ar children
irrows into t

u to take a
himself on
father, and
her bosom.'
D they pos-
is a clever
Lunt, in the
governor of

met his tribe in
,ace, andreparn-
faithful be I iever
u du lion ne peut
e du regnard,' at-
reats, which he
te. Garangula,
akness, repl ied,
when you left
he forests which
French, or that
s, that they had
is impossible for

you must have
;o great a wonder
ndia: our women
and old men had
the heart of your

I not disarmed them, and kept

them back when your messeng-ers
We tcannot give a better idea of the
tues upon their own people, anm
finer instance of their gratefulness
ed, than in the address to the Wal
young chief, the Morning Star. I
death of several of their tribe, k
predatory excursions aaainst the
lected in a large body for the purp,
The stern, uncompromising iosti
were animated, may be imagined

Icaine to our
e effect of their
I at thie same

when skilfull
llah Wallahs
n consequen(
illed in one


time a
. touch-
iy their
a of the
if their

whites, they had col-
ose of assailing them.
lity with which they
from the words they


with the words,