Cotton manufactures were very c~rnion among them;
on cloth after it was woven, they painted various figures
of men, trees, animals, &c. Instead, of needles, they used
bones; and the sinews of different animals, they used for
thread. These manufactures were conducted chiefly by
the women.
  They knew something of poetry and music ; and songs
set to nulsic, describing the achieve -nents of their ances-
tors, formned a principal part of their amusements. Their
writing was advanced no farther, than to represent
transactions by paintings, and hieroglyphic representa-
tions. It was in this way that the Spanish invasion was
announced to Montezuma.
  They were sAilled in agriculture, so as to raise con-
siderable quantities ofmaize. They had some knowledge
of gardening and botany; particularly with regard to
medicinal plants, of which this country produces great
quantities. The Mexican years consisted of 365 days.
It was divided into 18 mon ths, of 20 days each; and the
five days, which according to this way of reckoning, be-
longing to no month, were yearly spent in the greatest
festivity. This calendar shows, that they paid more at-
tention to the course of the sun, than to that of the
moon al

  The principal
ground into flour
use of plantains,
flesh of the pecar
  When any con]
they always corn
They had feasts
important transa(
a plentiful store


food of the common people was maize

sand formed into cakes.
cassavi, arid many kinds of
1, deer, and different kinds
siderable business was to be i
rnenced their consultations A
at weddinos and, in shor
Jtion. At these feasts thev I
of their intoxicating liqui

ngs continued sometimes several d
but with the liquor. The women
L to eat in presence of the men.
ir principal exercises were hunting
they were very expert. They


Phey made
roots; the
of venison.
lind ertaken,
with a feast.
t, at every
Lhad always
Drs.  iheir
and never

were not per-

and fishing, at
were fond of