close together, 1
sic. After the i
their national
Olympic games
ed an extraordin
no doubt, excel-

without leaping to the
dance was over, the
athletic exercises, a
of the Greeks. In rn
ary agility of limbs.
the swiftest that ever



sands. In leaping they would not be
des, for I saw them leap, with a run,
feet. But what most astonished us, v
gaining the summit of a very steep I
dicular. The squirrels themselves c
pass them in climbing the lofty and bra
an Arabian charger, they ran at full
river, and stopt instantly at the very
ted bank. When all the performance

cadence of the mue
P began to practice
if celebrating the
nning they display-
[hey would, I have
ran on the Grecian
inferior to Diomee
seven and twenty
ras their celerity in
till, almost perpenl-
Uould scarcely sum
nehless pine. Like
speed towards the
brink of an eleva-
)s were ended, they

sat dol
the bri
game E
  cc Tl]
they d
of the
ly air,

vn on the green turf to fez

ast on the venison which

degroom had procured: for it is usual among the
s, that the bridegroom must furnish on his wedding
sufficient to entertain his friends.
he mountain dew was circulated in abundance,
tore enthusiastic cheers than those with which
,rank the healths of the newly married couple, I
witnessed. Having signified our departure after
', an elderly man, the chief of a tribe, stepped out
ranks and addressed us with a mournful but man-
in the following tender manner, which he order-

ed to be interpreted to us :
  "'Take with you our hearts
,ings, for you are possessed of lil
May the journey of your life
smiles of fortune. May soft bri
smooth sea to your native sho
tread on the green grass. and na

spring up under yr
  "We took our l
lating ourselves o
excursion will, I
the conversazioni c

> war
e be :

Mn thanks and bless.
and generou-is souls.
in the sunshine and
waft your bark on a

re. May your
aav the violet an

CD     ,         ,
)iur fbet whither-soever you
eave of the grateful IndianS,
n our successful adventur
am sure, form a golden s1
)f Venice; for Donnabella l

d the rose
es. This
ubject for
failed not