ticular tribes in Asia, from whom the North American In-
 dians are directly descended. The Esquimeaux on the
 coast of Labrador are evidently a separate species of men,
 distinct from all the nations of the American continent, in
 language, disposition, and habits of life; and in all these re-
 spects, they bear a near resemblance to the Northern Euro-
 peans. Their beards are so thick and large, that it is with
 difficulty the features of their face can be discovered, while
 all the other Indian tribes of America are particularly dis-
 tinguished for the want of beards.  The North -American
 Indians resemble each other, not only in mental and bodily
 frame, but generally in their manners, habits, and customs.
 The Esquimeaux are a very diminutive race; but the
 other tribes are generally tall, athletic, and well propor-
 tioned. It is believed by many that the Esquimeaux In,
 dians emigrated from the north-west parts of Europe. In
 this belief we are confirmed from several circumstances.
 Low stature and long beards ate peculiar to some countries
 in the north-west parts of Europe.
 As early as the ninth century the Norwegians discovers
 ,ed Greenland, and planted colonies there. The communi-
 cation with that country, after a long interruption, was re-
 newed in the 12th century. Some missionaries, prompted
 by zeal for propagating the Christian faith, ventured to set-
 tle in this frozen region. From them we have learned that
 the north-west coast of Greenland is separated from Ameri-
 ca, but by a very narrow strait, if separated at all; and that
 the Esquimeaux of America perfectly resemble the Green-
 landers in their aspect, dress, mode of living, and probably
 language. The following passage which we have quoted
 from Senor Juan Eerez, will tend in a great measure to
 identify the Esquimeaux as the descendants of the Green-
 landers. Juan Perez, a Spaniard, remained for several
 years in Greenland and on the coasts of Labrador, as mis-
 sionary for the propagation of the Christian religion:
 " Los nativos de Greenland y los Indios de Labrador
 parecen los mismos. La identidad no consiste solamente
 en la forwa de las personas, que no exceden cinco pies de
 altura, mat tambien en la complexion, que es el color ama-
rillo. Los Indios de Labrador y los1 nativos de Greenland