tears of the deaths that-have happened since their departure.
To return to the warriors, the moment when the women

join them, is,
punishment of
intended to be
all nations, the
form of it, go
conduct them 1
In general, the
fate, and there
  "All the pr
whose fate is n
abandoned to t
warriors; and i
they make the

properly speaking, the beginning of the
the prisoners ; and -when some of them are
adopted, which is not allowed to be done by
ir future parents, whom they take care to in-
) and receive them at a little distance, and
to their cabins by some round-about ways.
captives are a long time ignorant of their
are few who escape the first fury of the



oners who at
t yet decided
e fury of the
.is surprising
i suffer. If

'e destined to die,
i, are, as I have alre
women, who go to
that they resist all
any one, especially

and t
, has

t the

either her son or husband, or ai
dear to her, though this loss hat
fore, she is a fury. She attacks
her hand; and one can scarcel"
transported with rage ; she has n
or decency, and on every-woun
expect to see him fall dead at hi
how ingenious these barbarians
unheard of punishments. All
manner in the camp of the wyan
  "The next day is the day of
The Iroquois and some others a
a still greater disinterestedness
chiefs enter alone into the villa;
victory, keeping a profound sile
ins, without showing that they
to the prisoners. Among other
not observed-: the chief marche
with the air of a conqueror; his
and a crier goes. before, who is
cries. The warriors follow by
in the midst, crowned with flo
painted, holding a stick in one
the other, their bodies almost n

ii11_ - _-  A 11 -AL. .

y other person ihat, was
happened thirty years be-
the first who falls under
imagine how far she is
) regard either to humanity
she gives him, one would
r feet, if we did not know
are in prolonging the most
the night passes in this

the triumph o
ifect a great
on these oc
re, without
nce. and retir

if the warriors.
modesty, and
casions. The
any mark of
e to their cab-

have the least pretensions
nations the same custom is
s at the head of his troops
1 lieutenant comes after him,
ordered to renew the death
two and two, the prisoners
wers, their faces and hair
hand -and a Chichicoue in
aked, their arms tied above