It is ccrtain, that among their agents the boldest are
more respected. With a little artifice, therefore, they
easily impose on those~wvho are brought up in superstition.
Althouah they might have seen the birth of these
impostors, if they take a fancy to give themselves a
supernatural birth, they find people, who believe them
on their word, as much as if they had seen them come
down from heaven, and who take it for a kind of enehant-
ment and illusion, that they thoulott them born at first
likeother men. Their artifices are, in aeneral, so ross
and so common, that there are none but fools and chil-
dren who are imposed upon by them. But when they
act as physicians, their skill is never doubted: for the
greatest credulity is found in every country, concerning
the recovery of health.
  It has been asserted by persons whose words could
not be suspected, that when these impostors shut them-
selves up in their stoves to swveat, and this is one of their
most common preparations to perform their tricks, they
differ very little from the Pythonesses, as the poets have
represented them on the Tripod. They are seen to be-
come convulsed, and possessed with enthusiasm, to ac-
quire tones of the voice, and to do actions which appear
to be beyond the strength of nature.
  It is also asserted, that they suffer much on these oc-
casions; so that there are some who do not readily en-
gage, even when they are well paid, to give themselves
up in this mannler to the spirit that agitates them.
  After coming out of these violent sweats, they go and
throw themselves into cold water, even when it is frozen,
without receiving any darnage. This is a matter which
physic cannot account for; however, it is certain that
there is nothing supernatural in it.
