of his friends; and added: 'But if you will go out in
this war, you shtikl not go 'Tithont me. I have taken
peace measures, it is true, with a view of saving my
tribe from destruction. Btlt if you think me in the
wrong-if you give more, credit to runaway vagabonds
than to your o wnfriends-to a man-to a warrior-to a
Delaware-if you insist upon fiahting the Americans--
go! And I wvill go with you. And I will not go like
the bear hunter, who sets his dogs upon the animal, to be
beaten about with his paws, while he keeps himself at a
safe distance. No  1 will lead you on. I will place
myself in the front. I will fall with the first of you.
You can do as you choose. But as for me, I will not
survive my n tion. I will not live to bewail tbie'rniser-
able destruction of a brave people, who deserved, as you
do, a better fate !
  "1 The allusion to their greater confidence in foreign-

ers than in their own kindred, i
sure, wonderfully strenathened I
arrangement. Commencing wi
grateful as an Indian ?-it pass

so vain of his birthright as an
rior ; and who more glorious to
of battles ?-and lastly, to a D
rings through the hearts of his
host of proud associations, and w
tempt for the strancrer and his fa
deur to the orator, in whom the
rior, the Delaware are personifih
  "The spirit of the conclusioi
was the out-bursting of that fin
forsake their customns and lawx
feeling which have ever inspire(
gines-a spirit which time has
dened to obstinacy, and oppr

; a fine specimen of cen-
by a beautiful climacteric
i.t a friend-and who so
es to a man-and who
Indian ?-then to a war-
the savaae than the man
elaware--a word which
hearers, starts into life a
hi le it deepens their con f
Lisehoods, imparts a oran-
friend, the man, the war-
a added to its force. It
mn determination never to
rs-that brotherhood of
l the action of the abori-
strengothened, insult har-
ession rendered almost

hereditary. It bespeaks alzold soul, resolved to die with
the loss of its country's liberties.
  " We pass by the effect of this speech, by merely stae