nlo other
are broad
River and
  " In th(
nations pl
posture, a
pu m, and
the same
They all
to form a
  " Some


sort of boats.
at each end;
[ of Onslascha.
e burying of ti
ace the corpse
I to their custoi
nd lay by it tL
other matters.
as well as th



The paddles of the Tongusi
those of the people near Cook's
,are of the same form.
te dead, many of the American
at full length, after preparing it
EMs. Others place it in a sitting
we most valuable clothing, warm-
  The Tartars and Coriaks did
e Tongusi and Karnschadales,

agree in covering the whole with earth, so as
tumulus, barrow, or earned.
of the American nations hang their dead in
   *n-                      a ,

trees. Certain of the '1'ongusi observe a similar cus-
  " We can draw some analogy from dress; convenien-
cy in that article must have been consulted on both con-
tinents, and originally the materials must have been the
same, the skins of birds and beasts. It is singular that
the conic bonnet of the Chinese should be found among
the people of Nootka.
  " In respect to the features and form of the human

body, almost every tribe foutnd along the western coast
has some similitude to the Tartar and Siberian nations,
and still retain the little eyes small noses, high cheeks,
and broad faces. They vary in size from the lusty Cal-
mucks to the little Nogains. The internal Americans,
such as the five Indian nations, who are tall of body, ro-
bust in- make, and of oblong faces, are derived from a
variety among the Tartars and Siberians themselves.
  "The continent which stocked America with the hu-e
man race poured in the brute creation through the same
passage. Very few quadrupeds continued in the Penin-
sula of Kamschatka; M. Pennant enumerates only twenay
ty-five which are inhabitants of that land; all the rest per-
sisted in. their emigration, and fixed their residence in
the new world. Seventeen of the quadrupeds of Kam-
schatka are found in America; others are common to
Tartary or Siberia, having for unknown causes entirely