Siberia, prepare a feast, when they are to name a child.
'If it be a boy, the ceremony is performed in the presence
of men alone, excepting the mother of the child, and in
the presence of women ohly, excepting the father, if it
be a girl. Every family have retained the names which
have been delivered down to them by their ancestors;
sometimes, however, when a widow is married again, the
name of the deceased is transferred to her new husband.
Old men are generally by the young called fathers, and
those of the same age brothers. La Roche tells us that
the children of some Tartar tribes, who had been con-
verted to Christianity, were allowed to go only a week
-by the names which they received at the Baptismal Font;
because they dreamt that the spirits of their fathers were
offended at the changing of their names.




  These jruralers, according to the Bishop of Meaux,
make a profession of corresponding only with what they

call the benefical Genii, amg
their means whatever passes
tries, and whatever shall con
ages. They pretend to disco
the most hidden diseases, and
them; to discern in the most
olution it is best to take; to
dreams; to obtain success in
takings, and to render the god
hlnters. These pretended g
Pagan deities, real devils, wh

due only to the true

God, an

d who boast of knowing by
in the most distant cotun-

te to pass in the most distant
ver the ulse and nature of
L to have the secret of curing
intricate affairs what res-
explain the most obscure
the mnost difficult under-
s propitious to warriors and
ood Genii are, like all the
o receive homages that are
Ad whose deceits are still

more danaerous than those of the evil Genii, because
they contribute niore to keep their worshippers in blind-