host could not get out, though he might be willing,
then he broke open the door and laid hold of the savage,
turned him out and extinguished the fire. His host
nevertheless ran through the village, crying out that he
would burn it. They threw a dog to him, in hopes
that he would glut his fury on that animal; he said it
was not enough to repair the affront he had received by

the killing of a Fro
him a second dog, xv
then instantly over,
  "C ;L'his man had
part. He dressed
sent the Satyrs, cov

:nchman in
Phich he cut

his cabin.
in pieces.

also a brother who w(
himself up nearly as p
ering himself from heal

the leaves of maize. He equipped two w(
Megaras, their heads blacked, their hair
wolf's skin over their bodies, and a club ii
Thus attended, he goes into all the cabin,
howling with all his strength. He climi
and plays as many tricks there as the mo:
cer could perform; then he made most te]
as if he had got some great hurt; then h
and marched on gravely, preceded by his t
tes, who, growing furious in their turn,
their clubs every thing that met them i
They were no sooner out of this frenzy,
acting their parts, than another woman to
and entered the cabin in which were the
aries. She was armed with a blunderbu
had just got by having her dream guesse(

They threw
His fury was

uld play his
rinters repre-
d to foot with
omen like real
dishevelled, a
a their hands.
s, yelling and
bs on the roof
st skilful dan.

:rible outcries,
e came down
wo Bacckan-
overset with
in their way.
or tired with
ok their place
two mission-
LSS, which she
d. She sang


  t C



war song, mat
, if she did not
A warrior follo
r and arrow in
xr he had made
w himself all a
quietly by, not

net to her throat, t
and went away.

ding a thousand Imprecations on her-
bring home some prisoners."
'wed close after this Amazon, with a
one hand, and a bayonet in the other.
himself hoarse with bawling, he then
.t once on a woman, who was stand-
expecting it, and lifting up his bayo-
)ok her by the hair, cut off a handful
1'hen a juggler appeared, holding a