children and make slaves of

scribed to be
down to their
had large hee
dressed, even
down to the r
were covered

a great fire


white, with long white
breasts. They were thi
Ads covered with cloth ;
in the greatest heats;
niddle of their legs, whi
with red or yellow stuff.


a great



These men are dea

beards t
lick and
they wei
their cle
ch with
Their a

se; and when

Ihat came
short, and
re always
cthes fpll
their feet
rms made
they saw

themselves out numbered by red men, they retired on
board their large Pettiau rrres ; and their number somee-
times amounted to thirty, but never more.
  ";Those strang'ers came from. the sun-setting, in search
of a yellow stinking wood, which dyes a fine yellow col-
or; but the people of this nation, that they might not be
tempted to visit them, destroyed all those kinds of trees.
Two other nations in their neigilbourhood, however,
having no other wood, could not destroy them, and
were still visited by these strangers; and being greatly
incommoded by them, had invited their allies to assist
thenm in making an attack upon them the next time they
would return. The following summer I accordingly
joined in this expedition, and after travelling five long
days' journey, we came to the place where the bearded
men usually landed; there we waited seventeen days
for their arrival. The red men, by my advice, placed
themselves in; ambu cade to surprise the strana-ers, and

according-ly, when they landed, wve were so successful
as to kill eleven of them; the rest immediately escaped
on board two large Pettiauo'res and fled westward on the
great water.
  "'Upon exatnining those whom we had killed, we
found them much smaller than ourselves, and rather
fairer; they had a large head, and in the middle of the
crown the hair was very longe; their heads were wrapt
in great many folds of stuff, and their clothes seemed to
be made neither of wool or silk, theyv were very soft, and
of different colours; two only of those who were killed
had fire arms, powder, and ball. I tried their pieces and
