which the Indians displayed in managing their canoes,
the ladies were so satisfied with thefskill of the Indian
mariners, that they hesitated not a moment to embark.
  " The morning was clear and serene, and the water
smooth as a sheet of glass  The count, in order to ap-
prise the settlement of our arrival, as they were notified
the previous night to assemble in a certain place on the
banks of the river, sounded the key bugle, which had a
charming effect on the water and re-echoed from hill to
hill. Soon a vocal concert was commenced by the Ve-
netian dames, which ravished our ears with the most me-
lodious harmony. The paddling oars now stood motion-
less, as if the Indians were enchanted with the song;
but the gentle stream bore us down amid hills and dales.
Still sweeter were the autumnal strains of the warblers
of the grove, which cheered the birchen fleet as they passe
ed by their choir. As we glided along the verdant banks
of the murmuring stream, where the varied beauties- of
nature graced the neat cottages which peeped through the
grove, we soon observed the favored spot, where the In-
dians had assembled. A1 universal cheer pervaded the
assemblage as we landed. The bride and bridegroom
sood alone; she was dressed in silken robes, the dress of
modern days, for she was a Canadienne, while he in the
fierceness of ancient times wore the garb of an Indian
  " The mountain dew had no sooner gone round than
the celebration of the nuptials commenced with the war
dance. Four songsters or bards were selected from
among them, -and two drummers who formed their music-
al band. As the songs commenced and the drums were
beaten, the ring was all in motion. The happy couple
were now in the centre of the ring and performed the
same motions.. Twenty-five couples moved in a circular
line. Their dance resembled a trotting cheval, while
,that of the squaws is not very unlike a favourite dance
among the Europeans, called the Hornpipe; for they
move onwards and keep their toes and heels alternately