c I have seen no tribe in 4
" who had not their councils, a
their orators, and public pleader

Periotsi-Kalosi, that is, men of
the .Maklouri, a tribe of the To
no small degree of talents and
casion when -a young man, th
chief, appeared before one of the
of having murdered his uncle.
with as much dignity and p0:
judges and courts of more civil
ble chief evinced a firm determi:


siberia," says Abernethy,
rnd courts of justice, with
's, who are by them called
justice. The orators of
ungusian nation, displayed
eloquence on a certain oc-
.e son of their respective
air courts of justice, accused
His own father presided
mp, as usually attend the
ized nations.  The venera-
nation to administer justice.,


even although by the law his son should be put to death,
if found guilty. The heads of every family were seated
round the chief, whom he addressed briefly in the following
manner:-'pMy brother has been murdered; my son stands
before you now, and for you it is to find out whether he
is guilty or not. 'Tlhe law of your nation demands blood
for blood- because such were the laws of our forefathers.'
An orator, tall and grave, fluent and rather eloquent,

stood in the centre of the circle and harangued for an hour
to defend the young chief; and if I recollet well, he
commenced with these words: ' Ponyong is gone to his
fathers-he is dead, but not murdered; for who would
take the life of him who bore the wounds of fifty battles ?
His nephew stands before you as if he had spilt the blood
of his own kindred: they say, it is true, that he is the
murderer; but who are they that accuse him? Are they
not they whose words should not be believed ? Have they
fought either for you or their country ?  rhey never saw
the face of an enemy. Has he not fought already ?  Has
he not led you to the field'? Has he not conducted you
victorious from the battles in the absence of his father ?
If you destroy him you destroy an innocent man, the
pride of your nation, and the conqueror of your enemies!'



nation to administer Justice.