previous to the arrival of the Europeans. Of this fact
feel convinced from their having discovered several
tools' and warlike weapons in the tombs of the dead
hu*b5en frequently mentioned by Don Fernandez,
the Mexicans knew the use of iron, although other
ters denied the fact. "I do not mean to (assert, (say.
author) that the Mexicans ever arrived, since their
gration to the western continent, at such a profici
in the use of iron as to be able to mould that metal

.1  .t                Is

wariiKe weapons or otner too1%
tion of the arts. I know, bey,
tradiction, that the Mexicans ut
it can, as has been frequently di
steel swords and other tools of
found buried with the dead."
is it, that the Mexicans did not
lards first visited them? They
mentioned, when we alluded
America, disappear, from the

the different
ing those w(
It niight alsc
rival on this
swords and

tribes who inhabi

I           N

i. It
s this

3 necessary lor tmie promo-
rnd the possibility of con-
sediron instruments, when
mne, be proved, that iron or
the same metal, have been
The incredulous ask, how
use them when the Span-
might as we have already
to the antiquities of North
prevalent custom, among
ted this continent, of burvy

mapons and other useful tools with tbe dead.
) be asked, why the Mexicans, since their ar-
continent, did not practice the art of making
different other instruments which have been

found iii the tumuli of the dead, boti
southern parts of America. In ansi
it is reasonable enough to imagine, 1
ony who peopled America and brou;
those iron instruments from Asia,
mines in America, whence they mi
battle0 they were totally ignorant of
their soldiers in battle array. They
fused crowd, and were consequently

i in the northern and
ver to this question,
that this Asiatic cola
T-ht along with them
discovered no iron
ght be formed. In
the art of disposing

engaged like
like a rabble (

dren, before men skilled in military discipline ;
this circumstance, it has been conjectured, more t

a con-
of chil-
and to
han to

their ignorance of fire arms, the Spaniards owed their
easy conquest of the country.
  Fear was the basis on which the Mexican worship was



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