ideas, in order that he micrit necrotiate with Henry VIIL,
        11    11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b1
   _ -    -  I      r Al     I               -

wno was reputed one ot
opulent princes in Eur
though fully occupied b:
Moors, paid so much ret
the consideration of his
Ferdinand de Talavera.

tne most sagacious as wei as
ope. Ferdinand and Isabella,
y their operations aoaainst the
Lrard to Columbus as to remit
plan to the queen's confessor,
This prelate consulted such

of his countrymen as lhe considered the most skilful in
  But Spain could not at that time boast of having pro-
duced men who were versed in true science, so that
those who were selected to decide a matter of such moe
ment, did not comprehend the first principles upon
which Columbus founded his conjectures. Some of
them, from mistaken notions concerning the dimensions
of the globe, contended that a voyage to those remote
parts of the east which Columbus expected to discover,
could not be petformed in less than three years. Others

concluded that he
infinite extent, acc
philosophers, or if
the west beyond a
of the globe woulc
inevitably perish,:
nication between t

would either find the ocean t
ording to the opinion of some
he should persist in steering I
certain point, that the conve)
I prevent his return, and that I
in the vain attempt to open a c
;he two opposite hemispheres,

o be of
c figure
he must
  -.  .


nature had for ever disjoined.

  They maintained that if such
Columbus represented, they coul
so long concealed, to be at last dis(
Genoese. He was, therefore, ic
sumptious man, who pretended tU
knowledge superior to all the re,
also Columbus had to contend wi
and pride of false knowledge wL
plans in Portugal. Five years ha
less endeavours, when Talavera,
was referred, made such an unfav
dinand and Isabella asiaduced

countries existed as
d not have remained
covered by an obscure
)oked upon as a pre-
iat he alone possessed
At of mankind. Here
th the same ignorance
tich counteracted his

d now elapsed in fruit-
to whom the' decision
ourable report to Fer-
them to&acquaint Co-

tne most sagacious as weii as