as well as the Europeans. The overteemiag country to
the -east of the Riphoean mountains, must have found
it necessary to discharge its inhabitants the first great
wave of people was forced forward by the next to it,
more powerful than itself; successive and new impulses
continually arising, short rest was given to that which
spread over a more eastern tract; disturbed aaain and
aaain, it covered fresh regions; at length, reaching the
farthest limits of the old world, found a new one, with
ample space to occupy unmolested for ages; till Colum-
bus cursed them by a discovery, which brought again
new sins and new deaths to both worlds."
  "Mhe inhabitants of the new world, (the diligent anm-
tiquary M. Pennant observes,) do not consist of the off-
spring of a sing-le nation; different people at different
periods arrived there ; and it is impossible to say that
any one is now to be found on the original spot of its
colonization. It is impossible, with the l ights which we
have so recently received, to admit that America could
receive its inhabitants (at least the bulk of themn) from
any other place than eastern Asia. A few proofs may
be added, taken from customs or dresses common to the
inhabitants of both worlds; sonil have been long ex-
tinct in the old. but others remain in both in full force.

  "' The custom of scalpin
the Scythians, who carried

neck, ai
ox. A
day in

nmark of triumph.

stripped off the s
tle image found
deity, mounted

in,, with scalDs r

gV was abai
labout thei
They cut
kin, as the
among th
on a horse
)endant froi

11     - - . I.
the custom of the Scythian
the Greek historian. This

know by horrid experience, iP
America. The ferocity of the

prisoners extended to the remotest pz
Kamschadales, even at the time when
ered by the Russians, put their prisoni

'barism in use with
.n at all times this
a circle round the
y would that of an
e Calmucks, of a
, and sitting on a
rn the breast, fully
progenitors, as de-
usage, as the Eu-
s continued to this
Scythians to the
art of Asia. The
. they were discov-
ers to death by the
