NORTH AMERICAN INDiANS.            301

dispositions and qualifications of the
into consideration before they are se:
the different profbssions.
  Their government, which was noi
Spaniards arrived among them, was
greatest prudence and the most ref
ceremonies which attended the king'
according to the Spaniards, solemn
war the Mexicans could boast of mili
as bravery and intrepidity; and re
were held out to them, as inducemeri
tarv skill, which greatly improved th

youth are not taken
at abroad to learn
            -  W~~

rarehical when, the
conducted with the
mned policy. The
s coronation were,
and imposing. In
tary talents, as well
wards and honours
ts to excel ini nili-
air national cliarac-

ter and s
was not
habited 1

a p


ocial institutions, cat an ear]
also displayed a degree o
likely to be found among
the new world. In their r

ly period. Their forti-
C military skill which
the tribes which in-
religious rites, though

Pagan worship, they sometimes displa
th their imposing ceremonies.
That the Natchez, evidently the most
present North American tribes were
at family which constituted the Mexic
be doubted, if we pay respect to the t

yed some taste

civilized of all
a branch of the
an nation, cana
raditions of the

Natchez themselves, to asimnilarity of language, manners,
habits and customs, as well as their external appearance
arid religion. If we admit under these circumstances,
that a consanguinity exists between the Mexicans and
the INatchez, and it cannot be reasonably denied, we
rmust also grant the probability, that the vestiges of civi-
lization, throughout the North American continent, owe
their existence tosome polished tribes who separated from
the Toltecs, Chichimecs, and Artecs (now the Mexicans,)

at the period of their succe
ed North America.
  This is the most reaso
form respecting the most
America. The grounds o
agreeable to reason from tL
sive weapons, defensive ar

.ssive migrations, and coloniz-

if this
te facd

conjecture that x
nt inhabitants of
hypothesis are evi
: that fortificationsj
, and tumuli were

we can
, offen-
