




  By the sacred historian we are informed, that Noah,
soon after landing from the ark, betook himself to bus-
bandry, and planted a vineyard. Of the juice of the
grape he drank so freely, it seems, that he lay in a state
of inebriety, carelessly uncovered in his tent. In this
condition he was discovered by his youngest son Ham,
who, on seeing him, called to his brethren Japheth and
Shem, that they might witness his unbecoming situation.
But they, mindful of their filial duty, and the respect due
to their parent, in place of exposing and ridiculing their
father's nakedness, as Ham did, took a garment between
them, and, wallirng in backward, covered Noah and
retired. Having awoke from his sleen and wine, and

become acquainted with what had hap
ced a prophetic epitome of the history
" Cursed be Canaan,' said he, "a s
shall he be unto his brethren. Blesse
of Shem, and Canaan shall 'ie hi-ts ยข
enlarge Japhet, and he shall dwell in
and Canaan shall be his servant."
  The extirpation of the Canaanites,
the Pharnicians and Carthaginians,

African negroes would seem to
pronounced on Canaan, the sc
were evidently his descendants
  Japhet was the common pi
half of the human race, thrc
European nations were desce
or Gomerites. The Lesser A
the "isles of the Gentiles," ar
anciently inhabited by the Si
the descendants of Japhet.

be fulfi
on of H:

J ,
pened, he pronoun-
r of his posterity.-

servant of servants
d be the Lord God
aervant. God shall
I t-Ce tents of Shem,

the subjugation of
the slavery of the
iments of the Curse
am, as these people


4ocenitor of almost the one
lugh his son Gomer. All
tnded from the Gomarians,
LSia, or Asia Minor, with
id some of the vast reaions
cqthians were peopled by