raving about on every side, without knowing whither
they went or what they would have. One would take
them for people who were drunk or mad.
  "Many returned immediately to their cabins after
uttering some howlings. Others were resolved to make
use of the privilege of the festival, during which they
are reputed to be out of their senses, and of consequence
not responsible for what they do, and revenge their
private quarrels. They do so to some purpose, for they
threw whole pails full of water on some people, and
this water, which froze immediately, was enough to
U....... S.      -..    -... w

chill them with cold. Others tih
ashes, or all sorts of filth ; others
firebrands, and threw them at the
met; others broke every thing in
those they bore a grudge to, and 1
fully, To be freed from this I
guess dreams, which often no oi
ception of."
  " A missionary arid his compar
point of being more than witnesse
cies: one of these madmen wen

iey covere d
took lighted
] head of the

with hot
1 coals, or
first they

the cabins, falling onL
beating them unnierci-
)ersecution, one must
ne can form any con-

lion were often on the
s of these extravagan-
tt into a enhin xvhprp

    7 _ _ - - .__-- , a_ I_
he had seen them take a shelter at the first.
appointed by their flight, he cried out that 1
guess his dream, and satisfy it immediately
weretoo long about it, he said, 'I must kill
man.' Immediately the master of the cabin

a French
  " Then
in his turn
burn the v
in fact by
was first a
he shut hii
ed up in se
when one
was told v






syaa  YE  a ,WWA
Being dis-
they must
-: as they
a French-
threw him



he that had thrown the coat, growing furious
, said he would revenge the Frenchman, and
rhole village down to the ground. He began,
setting fire to his own cabin, where the scene
eted; and when all the rest were gone out,
mself up in it. The fire which he had light-
veral places, did not yet appear on the outside,
of the missionaries came to the door. He
vhat had happened, and was afraid that his