wessies, the Assiniboils, and other ti

  The ]
on this
now exl
bas, Op
lects of
mies, M

ribes beyond the St.

Lenape whicb is the most widely extended language
side of the Mississippi, was spoken by the tribes
einct, who formerly inhabited Nova Scotia arid the
State of Maine, the Abenakis, Miemacs, Canni-
enangos, Soccokis, Etchemins,and Souriquois ; dia-
it are now spoken by the Miamis, the Potanota-
[ississagoos, and Kickapoos; the Conestogos, Nan-
               -r*        . I AI      5   IV   _

Shawanese, a

Knistewans, and Ch
the languages of the,
Choctaws, Pascagoul
several others in tin
three languages are pi
ly related, as to have
  Seeing therefore th
spoken by the Nortfi
radical connexion thle
surd to countenance
red men of America
having a better proof
mentioned, between a
distant relation itself
guages of America is

LndI Mohicans; the Algonqulins tne
ippeways. The Floridian. includes
Creeks or Muscohgees, Chickesaas,
[as, the Cherokees, Seminoles, and
e southern parts of Florida. These
rimitive, that is to say, are so distant-
no perceivable affinity.
at there are three primitive languages
L American Indians, which have no
one with the other, it would be abs
for a moment the assertion, that the
are the lost tribes of Israel, without
than a similarity, as we have already
u few Indian and Hebrew words. The
F between these three primitive lan-
enough to overthrow the argument;

for, if the Indians are the descendants of
would certainly follow that almost all the d
ly the three primitive languages, would not
striking resemblance to the Hebrew, bu
more nearly allied among themselves.
one striking peculiarity in the constructi
languages, which has no counterpart in ti
stead of the ordinary division of genders, t
into animate and inanimate.
  But this is not the only instance, in wI
and the. Indian languages differ in their i
merate, however, all the idiomatical discor
dian and Hebrew languages, will not be i
present occasion, as we shall prove in the
beyond the possibility of a doubt, that the

the Heb
ialects, e
only bea
t would
on,-of A

rews, it
r a most
also be
there is

he Hebrew.


hey divide them

cich the Hebrew
dioms. To enu-
dances of the In-
necessary on the
following pages,
: Indians are de-