a a
often pros
they take
on their i
try, they
during th.
    I n
care at ni
bufore smli
country, I


which is generally discharged by a slave, and
fatal to him.

the Indians set out on their march, a mat is all
besides their arms. - They maintain themselves



7 11

y t

they never fa
they have eni
conduct is ol

by hunting. If not near the enemy's coun-
quite unguarded, separating in small parties
y, for the convenience of hunting; but taking
to retu-rn to their camp, which is pitched
  By the sun and their knowledge of the
p direct their different routes so well, that
il of meeting at the appointed place. When
:ered the enermy's country, a very different



mimutest actions. The gan
are not even permitted to sp
they are sensible that they ti
in discovering an enemy,
that enemies have no less.
a degree off saaacity, in this
be conceived by civilized
distance, they discover hab
fire. They perceive the tre
grass, and on the hardest sul
discover, with amazing cert
stature of the person who h




ae is no longer pursued; they
eak; they converse by signs;
iemselves have muchsacracity
and they rightly conclude,
The Indians, indeed, possess
respect, which can scarcely
nations. At a very great
itations by the smell of the
ick of a foot on the smoothest
bstance. From the track they
itinty, the nation, the sex, the
as passed, and the time that

has elapsed since the track was formed. It is
avoid an enemy so sagacious. It becomes the
cern of both parties, therefore, to conceal their
and discover those of their opponents. For 1
purpose they use all precautions; they follow
in a singlee line, each treading in the footsteps
fore him; while the lasticarefully conceals thi
throwing leaves upon it. If they discover a
their way, they march in it, the more effectuall,
their enemies. Their precautions increase a
proach their adversaries; they march only
night, and during the day form a continual (
If they succeed in discovering their enemii

not easy to
great con-
own traces
the former
each other
of those be-
ekir track by
rivulet on
v to deceive
*s they ap
during the
as without