sonme parts of this country they frequently go together
without any ceremony, if the consent of their parents be
obtained. Their courtship commonly lasts no longer than
the time which is consumed in sending a present to the wo-
man, which, if she accepts of it, is a mark of her approba-


   The youths of these various tribes are much addicted
to war.   While we thus express ourself in the present
tense, let us be understood as describing the Indian some
centuries ago. Accustomed to hear the exploits of their
forefathers related with admiration, they become impatient
to signalize themselves in the same career. The usual
avowed causes of war among tfie. Indians, are to secure
their right of huntin g within certain bounds ; to maintain
their claims to their own territories; or to avenge the death
of such of their tribe as may have fallen in former con-
  Every tribe has a band of warriors. This consists of all
the males of the nation, from 15 years of age to 60.

Their arms are bows and arrows, and a
head of this club is about three inches an
eter, with an edge. of flint or steel fixed
Since their intercourse with Europeans,
stituted the musket, for their bows and
tomahawk for their ,war club; to these
added a scalping knife, and a dagger.  I
under the command of the war chief.
  W hen the assembly of chiefs and elde.
ed that war is necessary, they endeavour
.warriors to take arms.  "The bones

countrymen," they say,
avenge their wrongs; t
invisible 'guardians of

war club. The
d a half in diam-
in one side of it.
they have sub-
arrows, and the
they have now
'hese warriors are

rs have determin-
to persuade the
of our deceased

c" lie uncovered; they cry to us to
heir spirit must be appeased. The
our honour inspire us with a rese