of this signifies her consent. The contract is immediate-
ly made, and the match concluded. As soon as he choo-
ses he is admitted to cohabitation; but the time of the con'l
summation is always a secret to every one but themselves.
All this is transacted without ceremony, without even a
feast. Trhe husband generally carries his wife among his
own relations, where he either returns to the tent which he
formerly inhabited, or constructs a new one for their own
use. They sometimes, but seldom, remain with the wife's
relations. When th e wife is removed, if the game be plen-
tiful, he gives an entertainment to her relations.
  These contracts are binding no longer than both parties
are willing. If they do not agree they separate the wo-
man returns to her relations, and, if they have any chil-
dren, she takes them along with her; but after they have
children, a separation very seldom takes place. If a wo
man be guilty of adultery, and her husband be unwilling
to divorce her, he cuts her hair which is the highest fe-
male disgrace.
  On the woman is devolved every domestic charge. She
erects the tent, procures wood for the fire, manages the
agricultural affairs, dresses the provisions, catches fish,
and makes traps for small animals. The husband only eme
ploys himself in the chase.
   When a woman is with child, she works at her ordinae
ry occupations, convinced that work is advantageous both
for herself and child; her labour is easy, and she may be
seen on the day after her delivery with her child at her

back, avoiding none of her former employments. They
suckle their children till they are at least two years of age.
Their cradle was anciently a board, to which they laced
their children, after having wrapped them in furs, to prep
serve them in heat. This is set down in a corner, or hung
up in the tent, and without loosening it from its cradle, the
mother often takes it on her back, and in that manner care
ries it about.
  Among the Indians, widows cannot contract a second
marriage without the consent of those on whom they der