that it was impossible to rekindle any zeal for the suc-
cess of the expedition among men, in whose hearts' fear
had extinguished every generous sentiment. He saw that
it would be no less vain to think or employing either gen-
tle or severe measures, to quell a mutiny so general and
violent. At this critical juncture, he promised solemnly
that he would return, provided they would accompany
him three days longer. Enraged as the sailors were, this
proposition did not appear unreasonable. The presages
of discovering land became now more numerous. The
flocks of birds increased, and were composed not only of
sea fowl, but of such land birds as could not be supposed
to fly far from the shore.
  The crew of the Pinta observed a cane floating,
which seemed to have been newly cut, and likewise a
piece of timber artificially carved. The sailors aboard
the Nigna took up the branch of a tree with red berries
perfectly fresh. The clouds around the setting sun as-
stimed a new appecarance; the air was more mild and
warm, and during night, the wind became unequal
and variable. From all these symptons, Columbus was
so confident of being near land, that on the evening of
the eleventh of October, after public prayers for suc-
cess, he ordored the sails to be fiulrled, and the ships to
lie to, keeping strict watch, lest they should be driven
ashore in the night. During this interval of suspense
and expectation, no man shut his eyes, all kept upon
deck, gazing intently towards that quarter where they
expected to discover the land, which had been so long
the object of their wishes. About two hours before mid-
night, Columbus, standing on the forecastle, observed
a li I[it at a distance, and privately pointed it out to Pe-
dro Gutherez, a paae of the queen's wardrobe.  Guth-
erez perceived it, and calling to Salcedo, comptroller of
the fle(I, all three saw it in motion.I as if it were car-

fro in

place to place.

A little

after mi(

joyful sound of land, land, was heard from
which kept always ahead of the other ships.

Inight, the
the Pinta,
But, hay-
