tingf that it was successful, to notice a letter much of the
same character as the close of the last, sent to General

Clinch, by the chief wlh
defiance in Florida. ' Y
have we; you have pov
you have men, and so h
and so will ours, till th4
blood has moistened the
ruhis needs no comment.
  "View these evidence

of their


~o is now
Pou have c
vder and I
-ave we;
s last dr
dust of,

irms,' 4
lead, a
your i
O1i uO
his Au

nd s


  Intrepidity is tl
Us of attachment 1

and of heroic


bones in the forests where they were
were their inheritance, and then rever
ing, hopeless resistance against the mar
and though we know it is the rightful
things, yet it is a hard heart which do(
fate. rrurn to Red Jacket's graphic
fraud which purloined their territory
gles somewhat with our pity. 'Broth
held for the purchase of our lands, the
sweet voices and smiling faces, tokc
and they would not cheat us, but that t
on the other side of the lake would
we go on the other side of the lake, U
tell us your people will cheat us. Th
our heads, and we believe that the ii
care of themselves, and not trust either

in the kina's children. B
large, and yours very sm
         .    .1   1

great people, ana
our blankets.'
they shall rcetain
Their strength i
their forest laid I
the ploughshare,
of a Powhattan,

l we nave
True, an
of their
s w asted,
ow, and t
. There

a Delaxv;

terror to the heart of a pale-face
is singing his last song.


t to

nr troops at
be, ' and so
o have we;
will fight,

ting ground.'
heir character.
to the customs
L to leave their
rn, and which
1 their unavail-
of civilization;

es not

ral course of
feel for their

description of the
r, and shame min-
ers, at the treaties
white men, with
[ us they loved us,
he king's children
cheat us. When
he king's children
ese things puzzle
Tdians must take
in your people or

our seats



.all. You have now become a
scarcely a place left to spread
A soon their graves will be all
once ample hunting grounds.
their countless warriors dead,
heir burial places upturned by
was a time when the war-cry
are, ßr an Abenaquis, struck

         b  t
bult now the Seminole