back a little, and tell you whz
and what we have heard frox
  &rother, listen to what w
when our forefathers owne(
seats extended from the risinD
Great Spirit had made it for'

had created the buffalo, the (
food. He had made the bea
skins served us for clothing
over the country, and taught
had caused the earth to prodi
he had done for his red child2
If we had any disputes abo
were generally settled with

blood; I
Their n
their rel

)ut an e
the gre
; they
for fear

vii clay came
at waters, ai
were small;
told us they
*of wicked m
They asked

pity on them, granted I
among us; we gave the
poison in return.
"cThe white, people had
were carried back, and
did not fear them, wr
called us brothers; we
larger seat. At length
creased; they wanted
country. Our eyes we
uneasy. Wars took pl
against Indianst; and m,
They also brought sti
strong and powerful, a
  "cBrother, our seats
very small; you have
we have scarcely a ph

Im co'

it our father., have told u.s
n the white people.  +
e say. rT here was a time
I this great land. Their
g to the setting sun. The
the use of the Indians. He
leer, and other animals for
r and the beaver, and their
  He had scattered them
us how to take them. He
ace corn for bread, all this
ren, because he loved them.
ut hunting grounds, they
)ut the sh edding of much
upon us; your forefathers
ad landed on this island.
they found tribes, and not
r had fled from their own
en, and come here to enjoy
for a small seat; we took
request, and they sat down
rn and meat; they gave us

ad now found our country tidings

more came
e took them
believed thei
their numb
more land
re opened, an


f our pe

among us; yet we
to be friends; they
An, and gave them a
ers- had greatly in-
; they wanted our
d our minds became
were hired to fight
ople were destroyed.
among us ; it was

nd has slain thousands.
were once lurge, and yours were
now become a great people, and
tce left to spread our blankets;