of thought, forbade feebleness ; uncultivated, but intel-
ligent and sensitive, a purity of idea, chastely combined
with energy of expression, ready fluency and imagery
now exquisitely delicate, now soaring to the sublime, all
united to rival the efforts of any ancient or modern
  "1 What can be imaained more impressive, than a war-.

the '

rising in the
the same sea
> of limbs-thc
excite equal
hld anticipate

council room to address those who
rred marks of their title to fame and
  The dignified stattire, the easy re-
3 graceful gesture, the dark speaking
admiration and expectation.  We
eloqnence from an Indian. He has

animating remembrances--a poverty of language, which
exacts rich and appostite metaphorical allusions, even
for ordinary conversation-a mind which, like his body,
has never been trammelled and mechanised by the for-
malities of society, and passions which, from the very
outward restraint imposed upon them, burn more fierce-
ly within. There is a mine of truth in the reply of Red
Jacket, when called a warrior: 'A warrior!' said he;
'I am an orator-I was born an orator.'
  "There are not many speeches remaining on record,
but even in this small number there is such a rich yet

varied vein of all thb
that we even rise frc
few have been prec
poetic thought cloth
expression, than in tl
Harrison, in the con
a high moral rebuke
by an evident consci

of insult.
chair had
nor Harri
affront th
almost- to

e characteristics of true
n) their perusal with re,
served.  Nowhere can
ed in more captivating s:
hie answer of Tecumseh t


,and a


at Vincennes.

gret that so
be found a
implicity of
o Governor
It contains

sarcasmi heightened in effect
,of loftiness above the reach

At the close of his address, he
been placed for hinm, a neglect
son ordered to be remedied E
Suspecting, perhaps, that it
an a mistake, with an air of di'
haughtiness, he declined the

found that no
which Gover-
is soon as dis.
was mnore an
nnity, elevated
seat proffe red,