As they finish this game a knock is heard at the door and the Jack-
O-Lantern guide enters and bids them hurry. By this time they realize
that it is a progressive party and are only too glad to follow their guide
through lanes and by-ways to the next house where they expect the main
course of the meal will be served. It proves they are right, and they gladly
seat themselves in the dining room to eat Chicken a-la-King on toast, Chicken
Pot Pie, or any roast, potatoes and some vegetable with brown bread and
butter. This part of the menu might be simpler if a one dish meal is
served, some casserole dish, a boiled dinner, or cabbage, potatoes and meat
balls or corn beef boiled together. A game should be played after this
course in the dinner. One which will bring on a gale of laughter is the
Suspend horizontally from the ceiling a stick three feet long. On one
end stick an apple, upon the other tie a small bag of flour. Set stick
whirling. Each guest takes a turn in trying to bite the apple-end of the
stick. It is amusing to see guests receive dabs of flour on their faces.
The guests who first succeeds in biting the apple gets a prize.
When this game is over they expect their guide to again lead them
to the dessert course which he does, and for dessert, any typically Hallowe'en
dish may be used, such as doughnuts and cider, appletaffies, baked apples
with marshmallows, salted nuts in paper Jack-o-lanterns, or pumpkin pie
and coffee.
Following Are a Few Suggestions
Hallowe'en Wills. Plan your stunts so that just at midnight a ghost
story shall be told. A few minutes before this, tell your guests that as
there is no telling what terrible things may happen on Hallowe'en all should
be prepared by making their wills. Pass wide sheets of paper numbered from
one to five in three columns across the paper. At the top of the sheet is
written "The last will of- ." Each guest is to write his name, and in the
first column a list of five of his most valued possessions. The papers are
then to be folded so that this list is folded under and the papers are then to
be passed to the right. A list of five persons is then to be written and the
papers again folded and passed. Finally a list of five uses is to be written
and the papers again passed to the right. They are then unfolded and read.
It may be very enligtening to learn that John Smith wills his set of golf
clubs to Mary Smith to use repairing a broken window.
Fortunes. On pieces of white paper write with baking soda mixed with
water or lemon juice such names as doctor, lawyer, dentist, farmer, banker,
chicken thief, merchant, chief, etc. It is much better to have names written
on the slips before the guests arrive so they will be thoroughly dry when
passed out. When playing the game, have all the guests seated on the floor
and turn all lights very low. Go from guest to guest with a lighted candle.
Each may know the occupation of his future helpmate by holding the blank
paper above the candle. The heat from the blaze will turn the word brown.

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